Wednesday 14 August 2019

Congratulations Ahmed and Nathan!

Congratulations to newly published authors, Ahmed and Nathan. You can find Nathan's poem, The Greenhouse on page 38 of Toitoi 16. Ahmed's poem Fear is published on page 106.

Nathan's poem is about a childhood memory. He describes playing an imaginary game in the greenhouse, pretending he's "blasting aliens through the greenery". Can you think of an imaginary game you used to play when you were younger? Maybe you had an imaginary friend? Did you like dressing up, or pretending to be an actor or rock star. Perhaps you could write a poem or short story describing this? 

Ahmed wrote a powerful poem describing fear. He used the five senses; sight, sound, taste, smell, touch. What are you afraid of? What are some fears other people might face? Try brainstorming a list of fears. Choose one particular fear to write about. Here are some ideas:

Public speaking

Try using the five senses and without naming the fear, see if you can give enough clues for the reader to work out what the writer is afraid of. Some of our Russley Writers' Club members tried this yesterday, so I will post some of their poems here soon!

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