Wednesday 26 September 2018

Spring Inspired Poetry

Last week on a glorious Spring morning, some of our Team Awa Nui writers explored the Russley gardens for some inspiration.

We collected specific nouns, vibrant verbs, sights, smells and sounds...

We selected the best words and played around with them until we had them in the best order.

Check out the finished products below.

Buttery Daffodils and Freshly Mown Grass

Daffodils as buttery as the yolk of an egg
Blossom tree like a wedding
pink as candyfloss
petals stuck on a web like they’re floating

Trees shredding and growing back like sheep
Seeds like caterpillars
Sweet peas like beanstalks
Broccoli growing like trees

Grass freshly mown
Warm noise of bees
Blackbirds chirping like they’re in a choir
flying as low as the bright orange flags

by Cooper


thorns sharp like knives
pink ballerina flower dresses

sun growing lettuce
and other vegetables

snow-like flowers
everywhere I look

by Finn D

Spring is Back

stars in the garden
bees in hot pink blossom
creamy caterpillar sliding on the branch
smell of mown grass
freshly painted 100m track
I want to run in the sun

by Kyla

A Perfect Day for the Bees

song thrushes making melodies like a choir
daffodils bright like egg yolk
five layers blooming with joy

crocus yellow like lava
bees buzzing warm and tingly
blossoms perfectly pink


by Leah

I Love Spring

broccoli, puffs of green
daffodils, yellow stars shining in the night sky
garlic, waving green tentacles
sparrows happily chirping

tree with tiny grape-like seeds
hanging from its branches
sakura, pink flowery foam
and a petal on my page

by Robbie

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