Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Moon Poetry - Junior

This Moon
        by Flynn P (year 3)

The moon is a round ball
and it is very fast.

The moon is very slippery
like snowflakes.

The moon is humungous
like a tower.

The moon moves like a car,
a speedy sprint-car at a speedway.


Shining Bright Moon
        by Cooper (year 3)

the moon is a white plastic plate
the moon is happy
the moon is a face

the moon is white and black
it is a magpie

it is a floating submarine
the moon is big
like a water tower

and the moon is shining


My Moon
        by Josh C (year 4)

My moon is a big round ball
in a dark sky.
My moon is the colour of metal.
My moon is always moving slowly.
My moon has craters
like cheese with holes in it.


The Shadow
        by Josh T. (year 4)

The moon is a sad face
shining light down to us

The moon is a yellow banana

It is a rugby ball
flying through the stadium

The moon spins really fast

The moon shining silver shadows
on  the world

The Amazing Moon
        by Fergus (year 3)

the moon is a ginormous rock
in space

on the moon
you can jump high like a kangaroo

the moon is a circle
the moon is grey and white
the moon is a soccer ball
the moon is a bit of a sweet apple lolly

the moon  

it is floating in the sky
the moon is a bubble in space

The Shining Moon
        by Kimberly (year 4)

The moon is a mango.
The moon is a banana.
The moon is a shining crystal.

Oh, the moon is so beautiful
and it lights up the sky like a lamp.

The moon is a yellow highlighter.

Oh, without the moon
I don’t know what I would do.

The Full Moon
        by Sophia T (year 3)

The full moon is a ball
and it has big fat lines
and it is black.
It is a G.P.S.
It shows us the way.

The Beautiful Moon Lamp
        by Charlize (year 3)

The moon is a chandelier
that lights up the sky

it is a green banana

grey moon
grey chains

it is a purple balloon

the moon is a lazy cow

Albatross Moon
          by Sophia M (year 3)

The moon is a big albatross
on the lookout.

The moon is
red as blood.

The moon sets
the sky on fire.

The Awesome Moon
        by Ryan (year 3)

The moon is a staring eye
The moon is a soccer ball
The moon is an old black and white photograph
The moon can light the whole world

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