We each chose one of the following categories and went on a word hunt to find specific nouns, strong verbs and adjectives to match.
1. The language of journeys (highway, roadside, cafe, car-sick)
2. The language of water (river, creek, puddle, splash)
3. The language of flying things (bee, dragonfly, kite, soaring)
Robbie chose flying things and through his brainstorming discovered he had a lot of vocabulary linked to flight, early flight to be precise. From the words he found on his hunt (or "shopping list"), he then carefully selected words ("ingredients") and a poem began to emerge.
I am flying
Feel the wind, the hot, the cold.
Hear the engine huffing and puffing.
Hear the birds cheerfully chirping.
Feel the fresh air under my wings.
See me soaring over Kitty Hawk.
I am flying.
I am the first plane to conquer the sky.
My wings are wood and cloth,
I am the Wright Brothers’ plane.
by Robbie de Groot-Tsuji
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