Tuesday 12 May 2020

Cat Poems

This is Enzo,
who goes on adventures and finds himself in unusual places.

Here are some clever cat poems, written by our awesome Russley Writers, and some photos of our family cats.

My cat
has a friend

She's called Luna
and my cat Millie
admires her

They play a lot
climbing  menacing trees
darting between scruffy bushes
catching unsuspecting birds

we moved

I know Millie misses Luna
maybe we’ll visit sometime
But for now
Millie will just have to make some more friends

by Reuben V (Year 8)

Creeping down the hall,
Out of sight
Making a lot of noise,
In the night
Dancing on the roof,
Hold on tight
It’s your little kitten,

by Eabha D (Year 8)


She howls like the wind,
As grey as an hb pencil,
She purrs like a train engine,
She's as still as a statue
As wiggly as a worm
Her eyes are like cameras capturing everything we do
But she is my cat and I love her to bits!

by Lillia P (10yrs)

Explaining a Cat to an Alien

Welcome to earth
this is a cute cat
A cat is a tiny skeleton wrapped in fur
They have triangle ears like illuminati symbols

There is a long bone that sticks out of their behind,
when they walk past it tickles
They have eighteen keen claws to scratch a couch
Cats have tiny white teeth for crushing mouse skulls

Their glowing eyes can cut through the dark
No matter what height they fall from
they always settle on four landing pads
They sound lethal but they are only awake
for 37 minutes everyday

 by James dW (8yrs)

Mingles, my Pet Cat 

His feet are as white as snow
He has radar ears that flicker to any sound
Slithery tail like a snake
His eyes are as green as freshly grown grass
which light up when I rattle his food

by Liam B (11yrs)

The Prowler Of Night

She prowls around like a burglar
and slips through fences like a bar of soap

With pointy ears and a long smooth tail
her Midnight coat makes her invisible to human eyes

Long whiskers illuminate her face
her tail curls around branches

Her teeth shine in the moonlight,
as sharp as a gorse bush

The icy wind brushes against her coat of warm fur
she stalks her prey like a jaguar

Her yellow eyes sparkle like a sapphire
she leaps high like a pogo-stick

When the sun begins to rise from the east,
she sneaks back through her cat-flap

and snuggles up to sleep on the soft cushions on Mum’s chair

by Oliver P (9yrs)

Introducing Ziggy:
you could not find a more relaxed cat.

Mischief and Ziggy:
snuggled up on a cold, Autumn day.
Ziggy again:
My cat likes to sleep in egg cartons. Seriously.

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