Thursday 7 May 2020

Pass the Poem

Paula Green from Poetry Box challenged us to write a poem together... a 'Pass the Poem' game, where each person writes a line, then passes the poem on to the next person to write a line.

We thought it would be fun to include the word 'button' in each of the poems. It was very interesting to see the twists and turns the poems took...

Ninja Cat
by Team Roto (Year 3 and 4)

Her eyes glow like golden buttons
Her rough tongue is like a slightly shaved beard    
She likes to sleep in the darkness of the basement 
fur as fluffy as a baby sheep's coat               
as warm as a microwave                         
Her coat is a shaded colour of ginger                         
tabby like a tiger                   
Her paw pounces of the muddy land                       
She slinks through the catflap, like a ninja
and sleeps with one eye open

(by Mrs K, James, Lucas Y, Emilia, Henry, Oliver, Amber & Sam)


Button Moon
by Team Awa Nui (Year 5 and 6)

The moon is like a silver button
shining in the night sky                                   
Stars sprinkled across like pixie dust                 
shiny as glitter                    
The night sky is like a blanket                         
Covering the bright Earth                                       
The moon is like a silver button

(by Mrs K, Lillia, Aaliyah, Sophie, Lily T, Therese)

by Team Moana (Year 7 and 8)

He was missing a button
Along with his sanity                                 
Bewildered he looked                                 
A tear trickled down his cheek                   
He couldn't stop, he was hooked                 
But was his addiction good for him?           
Would his addiction kill him?                       
Something was wrong, he knew it was true       
Maybe he had already done enough             
How could he fix what was already destroyed?     
Folding over the gold foil
he eased the contents back into the package
Madigascan Sambirano, Extra Dark
and licked the evidence from his fingers

(by Mrs K, Ruby JJ, Shona, Micaiah, Lana, Caleb, Reuben, Nathan, Poppy & Ella)

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