Sunday, 8 November 2020

Flashback to Toitoi 20

Here is the wonderful piece, published by author Isaac Elkins (age 8) and beautifully illustrated by Sophia Jongco (age12) from Toitoi #20.


An Interview with My Grandad,
John Stalker, 73 Years Old

Grandad’s first job was in a post office when he was 17 years old. He earned about $120 a week. He used to ride a bike to work and he can still ride a bike now. When he was 45 years old he got his first cellphone. The best moment of his life was when he met Grandma. His three favourite drinks are water, milk and beer, and the best place he has travelled to is France. Grandad really enjoys watching rugby, especially when he comes to watch me play!

Go to the Toitoi website to check out some wonderful resources to kick-start your own writing, inspired by Isaac's piece: click HERE to go to Toitoi

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