Thursday 27 June 2024

Matariki Poetry

Some of our students have been writing poems for Matariki. We were delighted to see Paula Green has posted two of ours on Poetry Box. Congratulations to these e-published poets, Mushal and Oliver.

You can read their poems on Poetry Box here.

Paula has picked Mushal to receive a copy of My Matariki Colouring & Activity Book, illustrated by Isobel Joy Te Aho-White. Yay!

Dear Grandad (a poem for Matariki)

Dear Grandad,

The bed creaked
as you turned
your fragile body

You scratched your sandpaper-like skin
your joyful smile
enlightened the room

while the soft wind
kissed your cheek

you got older day by day
while telling your priceless stories
you loved to tell

you loved eating
thick ice cream
that made your teeth sting

your memory
was like dust
easily swept away

I wish I could’ve said goodbye

I love you, Grandad

 by Mushal F, Year 8Te Parito Kōwhai Russley School

Hiwai-i-te-rangi | Star

i can see you
through the night

watching from above

are you
part of one of those many
we learnt about
in class?

i wouldn’t have
a clue
you are

i open up my arms
and wish
to you

Oliver P, Year 8, age 13 yrs Te Parito Kōwhai Russley School

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