Tuesday 28 April 2020

Cosmic writing from Shona and Nathan

Space Beast

in deep space lurks 
a savage beast
consuming everything 
in its path

every cell
every atom

it stands
ready to devour
its next victim

the fascinating
of a dead

By Shona Beedie 

The Sun is a lightbulb and the Moon is a disco ball

Dangling from the dome, that is known as the sky, Sun floats over. The grass shines.

Sun grows tired, he’s been on all day. Sun gently switches himself off. And now Moon attends to life.

 Shimmering, Moon leaps up. Her shining craters flash the world in a darklike colour.

We watch Moon, as she soars higher and higher. Now fun can begin. Dance, drink, eat. Moon is our reason to be happy.

Sun, happily rested up, slowly stalks onto the dome. Sun springs up and grabs the cord, and shakes Moon off.

Many people stand in shock, how could day come so soon? The world wakes. The grass begins to wave. Willow trees swish in hysteria.

A shadow looms below Sun.

Clouds cover the sky, Sun grasps the edge of the dome, slowly being swept away

Sun gone, Moon kicked out. The darkness marches on.

Darkness forever...

Until Sun and Moon can return once more.

by Nathan Hobbs
Year 8

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