Tuesday 28 April 2020

Blanket Forts

Lockdown has been the perfect time to construct epic blanket forts in the lounge. Some of these blanket forts have inspired some wonderful descriptive writing. 

Blanket Palace

I enter the peculiar blanket palace, I see clusters of vivid hues circling the black hole. The prisms of light reflect through the needle punctured cavities bouncing off the partially full crystal tumbler, striking each light stream creating what the people of the palace call the exponential effect.
Abruptly, the cruel, calculating dictator sharpened his glossy black teeth. His blood coated body gradually arose from the umbra causing an interruption in the exponential effect. Intentionally the dictator’s awakening had decomposed fragments of their home. Pulverized was the only word that could describe this tribulation.
The semi condensed smooth butter like houses; shattered glass was all that remained of bus stops and other essential components of the city. Couches had been thrown through neighborhoods. The only remaining building had posters praising the dictator all over it. The debris was becoming airborne, enabling the residents to inhale particles that have combined with the air.
I left wondering what all the chaos was about.

by Caleb Collins-Polata
Age 11

Just an Average Blanket Fort

It was day 20 of the lockdown, I needed something entertaining to do. So I decided to build an average blanket fort. I needed some supplies so I gathered up chairs, lots of blankets, pillows, cushions and rugs. I arranged some room in the lounge for the simple blanket fort, and I combined the supplies together.

As I crawled under the wooden chair legs there was a chilling/sleeping area with squishy pillows and cushions. In the other corner my ipad was set up ready to watch movies. As I crawled in deeper I passed the huge James statue and yummy soda machine. I crawled to my right into my personal library, there were baby books at the bottom, the rest of the books were upstairs. I yanked a secret book off the shelf to open my secret passage. There was a movie theater, it only had 15 seats in the VIP area, and there were 3 choices of popcorn (milk chocolate, regular salty, and garlic shrimp), but the next movie was at 8pm and I couldn't wait that long, So I kept crawling. I couldn't decide between the swimming pool or the shark aquarium. I forgot my togs anyway, so I kept on crawling. I was getting hungry so I crawled to the McDonalds to get some food, it wasn't open yet so I had a rest under the Eiffel tower.
I finally got back out of the fort and into the sunny lounge again. That only filled up 11 minutes of my day, so I yelled into the sunlight, "DAD! I'M BORED!"

by James de Wit
Age 8

Fort of Feathers

Blinking fairy lights hang centimetres above my scalp
Drowning in indigo blankets and lime striped throw pillows
A lone cup of coffee beside my head
The blue light of my computer shines in the corner of my hideaway
Assorted duvets and blankets scattered on the floor
Everything is peaceful
In my fort of feathers

by Micaiah Veer
Age 12

My Dream Blanket Fort

My dream blanket fort would be
a warm, suggly place
with two rooms and a bookshelf
stacked with games and books.
My blanket fort would be perfect
for a dreary winter day.
The best bit about it is...
my brother wouldn't be able
to knock it down!

by Miriam Surrey
Age 8

Blanket Fort

I lugged the heavy chairs down the hallway to my room. I sat them in the doorway and walked over to my bed. “Well, that will never do,” I whispered to myself. I pushed my bed over to the far wall. “Much better!” I thought. I pulled in the chairs and propped them up about two and a half metres apart. CRASH! “Whoops!” I muttered, as I walked over to the corner to pick up the lamp that had fallen to the ground. When I was done, I tugged the big, blue blanket off my bed and chucked all the cushions on the floor. When I had draped the blanket over the chairs, I arranged all the cushions in my little cave, grabbed my old teddy and settled into my fort. With a water bottle and a pile of books, I was set for the night! Oops, I forgot! I ran around my room, tearing down my fairy lights. I hooked them up over my blanket, allowing a warm glow to envelop the room. I changed into my favourite green pyjamas and settled down with my new book, in the best blanket fort ever.

by Ruby Jones-Johnston
Age 10

Blanket Fort: by Ruby JJ

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