Tuesday 28 April 2020

Powerful Writing by Team Moana


Do you remember that day when we were trekking in the woods, the buzz of the dragonflies, the trickle of the brook? We had a wonderful discussion on the science of astronomy and would occasionally stop to let our beloved horses lap up water from the stream. Those horses!

Do you remember how Hazel would toss her head like a mustang? The time when Hazel took off and you were clutching the reins for your life? You were OK. But then, she took a sharp turn and you  slid off. You, my precious Primrose. You yelled my name and I just stood there. I didn’t move. I didn't stop you from getting hurt. Me! Your overprotective sister.

Many years on, I still remember that day and how it changed our lives forever. Even after you got better, you still didn't seem the same. You didn't even seem happier when I bought Hazel to you. She neighed and whinnied and still you didn't seem to give any attention to her. But I could see in your face the longing to back on your horse. The emotion in your eyes as you realised that nothing would ever be the same again.

Do you remember that night when you woke up crying for Hazel and I had to tell you that you couldn't see her. You cuddled close to me and I was filled with a love for you that I had never felt before. And even after everything, I couldn't help hoping that tomorrow would bring back the old sister I used to know. I love you Primrose.

Love, Winter

by Ruby Jones-Johnston
Team Moana


Do you remember that time when we were younger and we jumped on the trampoline in the middle of the night? It was raining but we didn’t care. Nothing seemed to bother us then. Not the thunder rumbling. Not the dark sky. We giggled and wished we could stay in that moment forever. I wish we could go back to that stormy night without a care in the world. Our pyjamas were soaked and mum got angry but we didn’t care. We just laughed and laughed. 

I wish you were here. I wish I could talk to you again, properly. A grave makes a good listener but never a good talker. I want to giggle with you. I want to talk to you. I want to have teenage moments with you. I want to feel the rain on my skin, gluing my hair to my scalp. 

We never had a proper fight. We never had a proper friendship. We only had a few years. My memories of us are disappearing. Your auburn hair fades to grey in my mind. Your bright emerald eyes are now slivers of pale green. Your giggle is simply just a faint hum, getting harder and harder to hear. 

Everyday I miss you a little more but you are disappearing. I don't want to forget you. But I can't control my mind.

Please don’t go. I want to hold on to the memory of you but it's slipping from my hands. That night, that was the best night of my life. 

Love, Zoe

by Poppy Lowe
Team Moana


I have been thinking about that night when we were lying on a floatie in the pool. Laughing, talking, looking at the stars. I remember you pointing out the pot and showing me my first ever satellite, but we called them moving stars. We were out there for hours pointing and staring at the crowded night sky. When a line of wondering stars came, you were so excited to go and tell the others. I could feel the cold water from my togs dripping down my legs and into my slippery jandals as I ran to stand with you.

We stood there watching them, together, as a family. At that moment it felt like the five of us could take on anything the universe threw at us, until it gave us the hardest thing we could have ever imagined.  

Sitting next to you while you lay in the hospital bed, broke my heart. Gracie, Sebastian and I had been there all week and you still hadn't woken up. Dad had gone to get us some dinner but I wasn't hungry. I was about to hit my teenage years- I needed you, I know that I have Gracie, but it's not the same. 

When you closed your eyes for the very last time, I was in so much pain. All I wanted to do was cry and cry some more. I wanted to skip school but I knew you would want me to go, so I did. For a long time I would just come home and cry. I tried to be brave in front of Sebastian since he was so young and didn't understand. 

We miss you mum. 

by Lana Chapman
Team Moana

Dear Mimi Murphy

You won’t get this letter. I know that for a fact. You’re halfway around the world. That won’t stop me though. 

Remember the summer of 2014? We were in Paris, and we rode our bicycles downtown until the dusty sun set behind the Eiffel Tower. When we went home, at midnight we ran away from home just to feed leftover mashed potato to the kitten down in the alleyway. That was fun. When we got home, your mother threw a pillow at you and grounded you for a week! The way we had to communicate was through our windows using Morse code by flashing small torches. It didn’t help that I didn’t know Morse code! 

How about a couple of autumns ago? We spent all day at school longing to be at the library. It sucked that we couldn’t because of the fire. You, Isabel and I spent lunch planning what we would do. You wanted to issue out 20 books and spend the rest of the day reading until they kicked you out. Isabel kept retelling the story of when she accidentally locked Mr Hallows in the book room because she thought it was one of us! I wanted to study up on chameleons because I was almost certain my parents would get me one for my birthday (I wanted to call it Cabbage because of the colour). We were so engrossed in planning that we missed the bell and we all got after-school detention! Apart from that last part, it sure was a magical day.

If only it was good enough to keep our friendship alive.

Sincerely, Me.

by Micaiah Veer
Team Moana

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