Monday 4 May 2020

Fabulous Sea Turtle Writing

Super Sea Turtles

Sea turtles have a strong beak, as sharp as a flaming sword. A crooked mouth covers their old face. Turtles look like an angry man saying ‘Get off my lawn!’ Huge, beady eyes bulge out of their rough skin. Their chin looks like the corally Great Barrier Reef. Their  wrinkly neck tucks into their shell, which is as hard as titanium. Turtles have a bony shell with hexagonical* scutes on the top of the slippery body.

Sea turtles like to eat baggy jellyfish and seaweed that sways in the luminous water. Sea turtles have rear flippers for steering and front ones to propel through the ocean. Turtles slice through the water like a silver bullet. They have little sharp claws at the end of their flippers. Sea turtles are amazing animals!

*made up word alert:
Hexagonical: (adjective) having patterns of hexagons

By: James De Wit | year 4 | 8 years old

Note from Mrs K: 'hexagonal' is actually a real word relating to or constituting a hexagon; having six straight sides and six angles. But, I really like the way James' version of the word ('hexagonical') rolls off the tongue. The famous NZ author, Margaret Mahy, was well known for making up words in her stories (like, 'flingamango' and ‘horrakapotchkin’).

Sea Turtles

Sea turtles have a beak as sharp as a sword. They have a mouth that looks like a boomerang. They have knobbly chins. Turtles have big black bulging eyes. Sea turtles have nostrils next to their eyes - weird, right?

Sea turtles have rear flippers for digging holes and for steering. Turtles use their front flippers as propellers. Sea turtles glide through the ocean like a bird.

On turtles' backs they have a firm shell, with something called a scute. They are hexagons. On top of the scute they are costal. They have a little tail. 

Turtles eat jellyfish, sometimes they mistake plastic bags as jellyfish. The sting does not harm turtles. 

Don’t litter - save sea turtles!

Isaac Elkins | age 8 | Year 4

Fabulous Sea Turtles

A sea turtle looks like an upside-down spaceship. They have a pointy beak as sharp as spikes. Sea turtles have a big goofy mouth that is shaped like a croissant. Sea turtles have a round bumpy shell with these things called scutes on them. They can come in many different colours including green, black, yellow and olive.

They use their front flippers to propel through the blue, clear water and use their back flippers to steer and dig.  Sea turtles can glide through the water like a boy on a greasy waterslide. 

They eat jellyfish and slippery sea sponges. Sometimes they mistake plastic bags for food and eat them because they look like jellyfish. My advice to you is not to litter, save sea animals, especially sea turtles.

By Henry Peters | age 7 | year 3

Sea Turtles

The sea turtle’s tail is as smooth as an eel. It has a strong powerful beak with extra sharp claws. It has droopy flippers with 100% use. Its front flippers are used as propellers. It helps them to speed forwards. Its rear flippers rotate the turtle. It also uses its rear flippers for scooping dirt and putting babies in the holes. It has a hard bony shell shaped like a teardrop.

Sea turtles eat jellyfish, slippery sea sponges and sea grass which glows through the water like a biofluoresce fish. Jellyfish look like plastic bags so they sometimes mistake a plastic bag for a jellyfish, then they choke. 

Sea turtles’ populations are decreasing fast because of pollution and littering.

By Samuel Li | Year 4 | Age 8      


A sea turtle's shell is big and round like a ball. A sea turtle has little flippers to glide through the ocean. They have big googly eyes. A sea turtle’s mouth is like an upside-down U. 

Sea turtle’s shells can be olive green, yellow, greenish brown, reddish brown or black. Their shell is as tough as a shield. When they’re scared, they can just hide away in it. 

Sea turtles can live up to 100 years old. There are about 12 types of sea turtles. 

by Ila Rutherfurd | age 7yrs | Year 3

Sea Turtles

Sea turtles have flippers like wings to glide like birds. They have front flippers like propellers to push them to the sea. When they get to the water they zoom like rockets.

From their chin to their tummy, they have scaly skin which looks like pebbles. Their skin is like seaweed. They have really small tails. Their eyes are quite thin and beadie.

Sea turtles like to hang around the bottom of the sea. They eat jellyfish and sea grass. Sometimes turtles mistake plastic for jellyfish. Sea turtles are still not extinct from all the plastic and pollution waste. I think we need to stop using plastic and polluting the ocean.

By: Amber Hicks | Year 3 

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