Thursday 16 April 2020

Writing Challenges

Here are some writing challenges you might like to have a go at. Email me with your pictures and words, and we could enter some competitions!

Challenge # 1
Blanket Fort

Build a blanket fort, worthy of being on Grand Designs, or Amazing Spaces!
Draw up a plan, including labels - or take a photo.

a) Write a 'How-to' Guide to Building a Blanket Fort
b) Write a descriptive paragraph about the best blanket fort in the world. (You could use 'The 13 Storey Treehouse' for inspiration.)

Challenge # 2
Marble Race

Design and build a marble race. If you haven't got a marble, use a golf ball or any other kind of ball.
Draw a plan (with labels) and take a photo or video of your finished product.

Write a story from the marble's perspective about its journey. Describe the obstacles it encounters and the things it rolls past / through. Give the marble a personality and think about how it feels on this 'rollercoaster ride'!

Challenge #3
Take a Walk

Next time you and your 'bubble' are out for a walk, pay particular interest to your surroundings and take note of anything surprising or interesting.

a) Make a list of all the interesting things you see on your walk. Include other senses - what do you hear / smell.
b) Write a poem about the things you notice in your neighbourhood.

Challenge #4
Be a Journalist

Phone an elderly neighbour or relative and interview them about their life. Have a list of questions ready. Some ideas could be:
  1. What are your favourite things to do?
  2. What did you do for a job, before you retired?
  3. What was the naughtiest thing you did at school?
  4. What did you do for fun, as a teenager?
  5. Where is the most interesting place you've travelled to?
  6. Who do you most admire in the world, and why?
  7. What do you do best?
  8. What is your favourite word?
  9. What was your favourite book when you were a child?
  10. What have been the most memorable moments in your life?
  11. What is the most difficult thing for you right now?
  12. What lessons do you think the world can learn from the past?

Using the information you gathered from the interview, write up an article about this person.

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