Thursday, 24 September 2020

Nature Poems

Enjoy these two beautiful poems from our Team Moana writers, inspired by a ginko (poetry walk) around our school grounds.

Slowing down time...

I inhale the sweet scent of jasmine,

the strong vanilla aroma of the ponderosa pines,

and the tangy smell of willow after a rainstorm

I glance up to see the sage green leaves 

of the fast growing poplar,

and twittering kākāriki perching on evergreens

Carefully, I listen for kākā,

but find only the raspy chatter of magpies

as they scramble across bewitching magenta

trailing the petals,

I find a lane of fuchsia cherry blossoms

A kōwhai,

symbol of power and authority,

looms overhead at the end of the lane,

sturdy and dominating

I gaze, 

dazed as the scarce monarch 

flits between cherry blossoms

apricot wings slowly unfurling 

as they rest on dew covered blossoms,

slowing down time

Akhila Sharma | Year 8


sky surrounds me like a cage

slowly consuming me

i am mesmerized by the silk-like clouds

with ripples like lake taupō on a summer day

to my left, is a sheet of imitating clouds


waves of white cotton candy blocks out the burning sunlight

the sound of crunching pebbles 

and whistling leaves in the wind follows me like a shadow 

but as night falls, 

all shadows disappear

and the clouds dissolve into the dark abyss

By Jay Poole | Year 8

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